
IntheWindows10CreatorsUpdate,youcanfinditinStart>Settings>Update&security>Troubleshoot,clickWindowsUpdatethenclickRun ...,NowWindowsUpdatewillwork,thoughyoumustdisableautomaticinstallationofimportantupdatesandbecarefulnottoallowanyfutureupdate ...,TypeRd/s/q%SystemRoot%-SoftwareDistributionpressEnterkeyandrestartyourcomputerthencheckfornewavailbleupdates.PatrickFarrell( ...,Ijustr...

My computer keeps restarting because windows update won't install

In the Windows 10 Creators Update, you can find it in Start > Settings > Update & security > Troubleshoot, click Windows Update then click Run ...

Restart your computer to install important updates after removing

Now Windows Update will work, though you must disable automatic installation of important updates and be careful not to allow any future update ...

Windows 7 Restart your computer to install important updates.

Type Rd /s /q %SystemRoot%-SoftwareDistribution press Enter key and restart your computer then check for new availble updates. PatrickFarrell ( ...

is there a better way to force Windows 10 restarts to install Windows ...

I just run a Powershell script with a scheduled task that will reboot machines if the uptime is greater than 5 days and no one is logged in.

Install Updates And Restart (instead of Install and Shutdown)

Yes. You can install all of the updates available - via either Windows Update in your Control Panel, or the yellow WU shield in the system tray near the clock.

Restart immediately after installing Windows updates, regardless of ...

To set the time, you need to go to Configure Automatic Updates, select option 4 - Auto download and schedule the install, and then enter a time ...

Do we have to restart our computers after updating Windows ...

If the update or install has to alter system files that may be in use, then the computer has to be rebooted. If it does not, then usually the ...

Safe to restart pc while Windows Update is still downloading and ...

In the Settings > Windows Update menu, I see files that are still downloading and installing. Is it safe for me to hit the [Restart now] button?

Windows 10 just restarted on me, *while* gaming on the device, to ...

A Windows 10 feature update bricked my laptop, so I had to revert the feature install until the OEM came out with a fix.

No update installation even after reboot

After it was completely rebooted, I went into Settings, and Updates, and found that the downloaded updates are still waiting for me to restart my computer.